Oncotic pressure

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Oncotic pressure (colloid-osmotic pressure) is the osmotic pressure caused by proteins. The plasma protein oncotic pressure is 25 mmHg. E.g. the oncotic pressure of plasma proteins (blood plasma proteins) in the capillaries results in capillary filtration and resorption. Capillary filtration in the arterial section of the capillaries - the blood pressure (generated by the heart) is greater than the oncotic pressure, this means that fluid will pass from the capillary into the tissue, Capillary resorption expresses a higher oncotic pressure of the blood compared to the blood pressure in the venous section of the capillaries. The liquid is resorbed back into the capillaries at different pressures (i.e. when the amount of protein decreases, the oncotic pressure decreases – swelling occurs because the tissue fluid is not sufficiently drained by the capillaries)



ŠVÍGLEROVÁ, Jitka. Oncotic pressure [online]. The last revision 2/18/2009, [cit. 2010-11-12]. <https://web.archive.org/web/20160306065550/http://wiki.lfp-studium.cz/index.php/Onkotický_tlak>.