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Patella post.jpg

The patella is the largest sesame bone in the human body. It lies in the tendon of m. quadriceps femoris.


  • facies anterior (anterior surface of the patella) is covered by the tendon of m. quadriceps femoris,
  • facies articularis (posterior, articular surface) adjacent to the facies patellaris of the femur and is coated there with thick cartilage,
  • the basis patellae is the proximal wider margin of the bone,
  • The apex patellae represents a distal pointed section.

The front surface of the patella is palpable, except for the apex.

Ossification of the patella Between the ages of 3 and 5, it begins to ossify from the center of several nuclei, which eventually merge. Later, marginal nuclei appear, merging with the central one.

In case of imperfect ossification of the patella, it may be divided into two separate bones – patella bipartite.

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  • ČIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomie. 2., uprav. a dopl edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2001. 497 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.