From WikiLectures
.The term physiotherapy comes from the Greek word physis - natural force and therapeiá - treatment as a service. It uses different forms of energy (including movement) to therapeutically influence pathological conditions. It is divided into therapeutic physical education (LTV) and 'physical therapy'[1].
Therapeutic physical education[edit | edit source]
- Group / individual rehabilitation.
- Fitness exercise - already in an acute or subacute state with the patient in bed, also as preventive RHB in risk groups.
- Exercise according to the muscle test - meaning of ch. for peripheral paresis, exercises against resistance, use of dumbbells + pulleys.
- In the case of spastic disorders – the Kabat technique is based on specific movement patterns, based on the principle of muscle interplay, movement in diagonals.
- 'Method of Mr. and Mrs. Bobath - Ch. in children with DMO, uses a position to initiate movement when spasticity is dampened, using cervical, vestibular reflexes and various exercise aids.
- Vojt's method - based on the phylogeny of movement, there are 2 reflex coded movement units in humans: reflex crawling + reflex turning - they can be equipped only in a certain position and stimulation, indications: DMO, spastic hemiparesis after CMP and[1].
Physical Therapy[edit | edit source]
- Direct current: galvanization - accelerates metabolism in tissues;
- alternating interference currents' - affecting pain (diadynamic, analgonic, etc.);
- IR radiation - "pre-warming", spasticity release before subsequent exercise;
- electromagnetic waves - alleviation of inflammation, degenerative disease of the musculoskeletal system;
- UZ - disruption of adhesions, alleviation of spasticity, analgesic effects;
- laser - acceleration of healing of various muscles. and joint injuries, limiting the formation of keloid scars;
- UV radiation – osteoporosis;
- paraffin wraps' - alleviation of spasticity before exercise;
- hydrotherapy - whirlpool baths for upper and lower limbs, mud and bog wraps + baths, Scottish sprays, sauna[1].
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Related Articles[edit | edit source]
- Functional electrostimulation
- Physiotherapy in patients with cerebellar disorders
- Physiotherapy in patients with spinal cord lesions