Pleural recesses
From WikiLectures
Recessus pleurales (protrusions of the pleura) are spaces that represent a reserve for lung expansion during inspiration.
- recessus costodiaphragmaticus - laterally, this is the deepest notch, therefore fluid can accumulate in it (standing)
- recessus costomediastinalis - ventrally
- recessus phrenicomediastinalis - medially
- recessus vertebromediastinalis - dorsally, (sometimes it is not described, but for completeness we include it here)
Recessus costomediastinalis and vertebromediastinalis are best described on transverse sections of the chest. The recessus costodiaphragmaticus can be seen on both frontal and sagittal sections. The recessus phrenicomediastinalis is best described on a frontal section.
Resources[edit | edit source]
GRIM, Miloš – DRUGA, Rastislav. Základy anatomie : Trávicí, dýchací, močopohlavní a endokrinní systém. 3. - edition. Galén, 2005. 163 pp. ISBN 9788072623020.
HUDÁK, Radovan – KACHLÍK, David. Memorix anatomie. - edition. Triton, 2021. ISBN 9788075538734.