Postural disorders

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Postural disorders are abnormalities that prevent the patient from actively holding individual movement segments. Correct posture is an important part of movement in any position.

Correct body posture

Types of disorders[edit | edit source]

  • anatomical
  • neurological
  • functional

Functional postural disorders[edit | edit source]

These are disorders of muscle stabilization functions, that negatively affect body posture and balance in all positions, whether static or kinetic. A number of tests are used for the examination to reveal the type and severity of the disability. One of them is the examination of the distribution of muscle tension, the disorder of which is very significantly reflected in the way the body is held.

1. Central coordination disorder during postural development[edit | edit source]

This is a disorder in infants. It can be caused by abnormal motor development, when the child's biological age is delayed compared to the chronological age. Or it may be a disorder of the quality of postural functions. In this case, the child begins to turn and stand on all fours just like his peers, but the movements he makes are non-physiological. If bad habits are not corrected at an early age, they will develop into chronic movement disorders.

2. Stereotyped movements[edit | edit source]

Changes in muscle tension and subsequent bad habits in body posture can be caused by one-sided or poorly performed movement loads, which today is affected by exercising in gyms without professional help. Another factor may be occupation, aesthetic influences. The creation of stereotyped movements is often related to the psyche of the individual (e.g. when people are afraid, they hunch over and pull in).

3. Disorder of nociception control[edit | edit source]

Nociceptors are receptors that respond to painful stimuli. As a result, a situation can arise where the body creates defensive reactions to protect itself from the feeling of pain. As a result, there is a change in muscle tension and function. An entire muscle group, a single muscle, or part of a muscle can be affected.

Anatomical postural disorders[edit | edit source]

We could divide anatomical postural disorders into three groups:

Congenital disorders include anteversion of the hip joints or dysplasia of the sacral bone. Post-traumatic disorders can be caused by poor bone union or a fracture in the area of ​​growth cartilage. Developmental disorders can appear during a child's growth. This is a bad position of the hip,asymmetric growth of the limbs, valgus or varus position of the knee joint.

Neurological postural disorders[edit | edit source]

They are caused by a disorder of the cerebellum or neuromuscular transmission.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • KOLÁŘ, Pavel. Rehabilitace v klinické praxi. 1. edition. Galén, 2009. 713 pp. ISBN 978-80-7262-657-1.