Quadriceps femoris muscle

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Quadriceps femoris muscle


  1. m. rectus femoris - spina iliaca anterior inferior; (caput rectum et caput reflectum)
  2. m. vastus medialislabium mediale lineae asperae;
  3. m. vastus intermedius - front surface of the femur, distal to the linea intertrochanterica; part of the muscle fibers is clamped directly into the joint sheath, thus preventing it from twisting - m. articularis genu
  4. m. vastus lateralislabium laterale lineae asperae and linea intertrochanterica - its proximal part

Attachment: tuberositas tibiae (ligamentum patellae)

Innervation: n. femoralis (from L2−L4)


  1. hip joint − flexion;
  2. knee joint − extension.

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  • VIGUÉ, Jordi. Atlas of the Human Body. 3. edition. Rebo, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7234-881-7.
  • ŠIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomy. 2nd, edit. and add edition. Grada Publishing, 2002. 470 pp. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.