Reiter's syndrome

From WikiLectures

Skin manifestations of the syndrome.png

Reiter's syndrome is a condition that belongs to reactive arthritis . It often occurs after intestinal inflammation, classically after campylobacter enteritis . It may also be part of a venereal chlamydial urinary tract infection.

Histocompatible HLA-B27 antigen is often present .

Clinical picture[edit | edit source]

It is characterized by a triad, which includes:

  • conjunctivitis - conjunctivitis ,
  • urinary tract inflammation - urethritis ,
  • non-purulent joint inflammation - arthritis .

Mnemonic: Can't see, can't pee, can't climb a tree.

The classic triad is rather rare . Incomplete Reiter's syndrome is more common : arthritis + 1 additional symptom. There may also be enthesitis, skin and mucosal ulceration , periostitis .

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References[edit | edit source]

  • VOKURKA, Martina and Jan HUGO, et al. Great medical dictionary. 6th edition. 2006. 0 pp.  ISBN 80-7345-105-0 .


Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Revmatologie Kategorie:Infekční lékařství