Renal cortex

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Renalcortex (number 2)

Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The cortex of the kidney is lighter with a slight brown tinge, granular, has two layers:

  1. outer layer – forms the surface layer of the kidney parenchyma (0.5–1 cm);
  2. inner layer – extends deeper into the parenchyma, is placed between pyramides renales in the form of columns – columnae renales.

Histology[edit | edit source]

  • Malpighian body– afferent and efferent arteries – fenestrated endothelium, continuous lamina basalis
  • Bowman's capsule
    • Parietal layer – single-layered flat epithelium.
    • Visceral layerpodocytes placed on capillaries, pedicles and pedicules.
  • Proximal tubule – it has pars contorta and pars recta.
    • Lateral interdigitation – indistinguishable boundaries between cells;
    • single-layer cubic epithelium with microvilli.
  • Distal tubule – it has pars contorta and pars recta
    • Lateral interdigitation – indistinguishable borders between cells;
    • single-layer cubic epithelium with minimal amount of microvilli;
    • juxtaglomerular apparatus and macula densa (cylindrical) cells.
Renal corpuscle.svg

A – Malpighian body

B – Proximal tubule

C – Distal tubule

D – Juxtaglomerular apparatus

1. Lamina basalis

2. Bowman's capsule – parietal layer

3. Bowman's capsule – visceral layer

3a. Pedicules (podocytes)

3b. Podocytes

4. Intercapsular space

5a. Mesangium – inside the glomerule

5b. Mesangium – outside the glomerule

6. Juxtaglomerular cells

7. Macula densa

8. Smooth muscle cells

9. Afferens artery

10. Ball of capillaries

11. Efferent artery

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Použitá literatura[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomie. 2. upr. a dopl edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2002. 470 pp. vol. 2. ISBN 80-247-0143-X.