Spatium pterygomandibulare
From WikiLectures
Spatium Pterygomandibulare[edit | edit source]
Borders[edit | edit source]
- Cranial --> Lateral pterygoid muscle
- Caudal --> Medial pterygoid muscle
- Medial --> Medial pterygoid muscle
- Lateral --> Inner surface of mandibular ramus
- Dorsal --> Parotid gland (open to parotidomasseteric region and to infratemporal fossa)
- Ventral --> Buccinator muscle
Contents[edit | edit source]
- Inferior alveolar
- Inferior alveolar
- Inferior alveolar
- Lingual
- Chorda tympani
Infection[edit | edit source]
- Less profound trismus compaired to other infections in facial spaces
- Can cause airway obstruction