Category history - Snížení svalového tonu

From WikiLectures

Time Page Name Author of this revision Description Flags
2023-05-26 20:52 BRUE Sara Salam
2023-05-26 20:52 BRUE Sara Salam Created page with "'''''B'''rief '''R'''esolved '''U'''nexplained '''E'''vent'' is a term denoting a change in the appearance and behavior of a newborn or infant that cannot be explained by other circumstances . The episode lasts less than 1 minute, ends spontaneously (''self-limiting'') and must meet at least one of the following criteria: # {{Symptom|cyanosis}}, {{symptom|bledost|''pallor''}}; # {{symptom|snížení svalového tonu| change of tone}}; # {{symptom|apnea}} or irregular b..."

Explanatory Notes
Flags: me - minor edit, d - deleted.