Sterilization in dentistry

From WikiLectures

Sterilisation in Dentistry[edit | edit source]

ASEPSIS[edit | edit source]

is the avoidance of pathogenic microorganisms. Aseptic technique aims to exclude all microorganisms. Surgical technique is aseptic in the use of sterile instruments, clothing and “no touch” technique.

ANTISEPSIS[edit | edit source]

is an agent or application of an agent which inhibits the growth of microorganisms while in contact with them. Preparation of operative site is an example of antisepsis

DISINFECTION[edit | edit source]

is the inhibition or destruction of pathogens where sterilization is the destruction or removal of all forms of life. Pre-packaged sterile supplies and the use of an autoclave for sterilisable equipement are the only acceptable techniques in dentistry

3 basic steps that should be taken to prevent infection in oral cavity

  1. avoid introducing infection by always using sterilized instruments and wearing gloves
  2. avoid being infected yourself by wearing gloves, face and eye protection
  3. reduce the contaminating load to the site by pre-extraction cleaning of teeth, use of

chlorhexidine mouthrinse and prophylactic antimicrobials when appropriate

MITCHELL, Laura. Preventive and Community Dentistry. 5. edition. London : Oxford University Press, 2009. Chapter 2. ISBN 978-0-19-9553303.

External Links[edit | edit source]