Stress (hygiene)

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Stress is the organism's reaction to imminent danger. This is a functional state when the organism is exposed to extraordinary conditions (stressors) and its subsequent reactions, which are tasked with maintaining internal homeostasis and ensuring survival.

The initial simple stress response is directed towards the activation of the sympatho-adrenomedullary system and testosterone - "fight or flight," flight or attack.

Second stress:

  • Eustress - positive load, at a reasonable level, it stimulates individuals to higher performance.
  • Distress - an excessive load that can damage an individual and cause illness or even death.

Psychological reactions to stress[edit | edit source]

These include adjustment, anxiety, and depression. In the case of eustress, it leads to higher mental or physical performance, but in the case of distress, it often leads to a decision, resulting in anxious or depressed behavior.


Physical responses to stress[edit | edit source]

The brain that evaluates the load, not only the behavior that aims to overcome this load, but at the same time controls the physiological reactions in the body that enable short-term activation of reserves for attack or fight. In case of "long-term or intermittent stress", predominantly the pituitary-adrenocortical system with preferential production of ACTH, corticoids and androgen alterations (reduction of testosterone in men and estrogens in women).

of chronic stress is overgrowth of metabolism, suppression of control of reproductive abilities, suppression of immune reactions', and as already mentioned, depressive conditions, risk of developing ischemic heart disease' (long-term pressure increase), diabetes mellitus of the second type (long-term increase of glycemia), stress [[Gastroduodenal ulcer disease|gastric ulcer ] ] (activation of the sympathetic reduces blood flow to the mucosa in the gastrointestinal tract) !!!

  • Long-term workload can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome'

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[edit | edit source]

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The basic condition is fatigue as a dominant symptom lasting at least 6 months or light fatigue. Other symptoms include, for example, long-term elevated body temperature, pain in muscles and joints, disturbances in attention, memory, and unstable moods.

  • Most often women aged 25-45, less in men.
  • The exact etiology is unclear. A share of viral infection, immune system disorders and a share of psychological difficulties is assumed.
  • Therapy is a cognitive-behavioral, gradual adaptation to an increasing load.

Burnout Syndrome[edit | edit source]

It is a state of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization that leads to a decrease in work efficiency. The main triggers are chronic stress, permanent time pressure and emotional tension'.

  • most often occurs in people who have constant, demanding and intensive contact with people and whose work is inadequately evaluated = doctor (in the Czech Republic).

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