Styloradial reflex

From WikiLectures


The styloradial reflex ranks among physiological myotatic (proprioceptive) reflexes on the upper limb with C5–6 segmental innervation.[1]

The reflex is elicited by tapping the malleus on the processus styloideus radii from the inside of the forearm (not from above). The upper limb is flexed at the elbow to approximately 90°. The physiological response is adequate forearm pronation.[2]

Styloradial reflex (video, Centrum elektronického vzdělávání 1.LF UK)


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  1. AMBLER, Zdeněk – BEDNAŘÍK, Josef, et al. Klinická neurologie. 2. edition. Praha : Triton, 2008. ISBN 9788073871574.
  2. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RŮŽIČKA, Evžen. Neurologické vyšetření - norma [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.