Symptom of neck opposition

From WikiLectures


We perform neck anteflexion on the patient lying on his back. It is therefore a passive movement. If the symptom is positive, anteflexion cannot be performed due to muscle resistance and pain provocation. We measure opposition by the number of fingers that fit in the space between the chin and the sternum.[1] The symptom is usually positive, for example, in meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage.[2]


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  1. ROTH, Jan – FIALA, Ondřej – RŮŽIČKA, Evžen. Neurologické vyšetření - norma [online]. [cit. 2012-11-22]. <>.
  2. LONGMORE, J. M. (J. Murray). Oxford handbook of clinical medicine. 8. edition. Oxford university press, 2010. 0 pp. ISBN 9780199232178.