Systemic treatment in dermatology

From WikiLectures

Systemic treatment in dermatology does not differ from the application of drugs in other fields. We use ATB, chemotherapeutics, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, venotonics, antihistamines, anticoagulants, vasodilators, vitamins, sedatives etc.

Systemic use of corticoids[edit | edit source]

Corticosteroids have a morbidistatic suppressing the symptoms and development of the disease without curing it), anti- allergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Long-term side effects[edit | edit source]

Formation or perforation of a GIT ulcer, hypertension, block of ACTH secretion, mineral disorders, osteoporosis, Cushing's syndrome, acneiform rashes, hypertrichosis, stretch marks, steroid diabetes, depressive psychoses, thrombosis, activation of latent infections,...

Indication[edit | edit source]

Dosage[edit | edit source]

It is individual:

  • shock, initial doses – 5-20 tablets (20-100mg) per day of Prednisone, Triamcinolone or Dexamethasone, most in the morning, least in the evening;
  • maintenance 1−2 tbl.

Contraindication[edit | edit source]

  • ulcer disease, DM, hypertension, coronary insuff., IM, TBC, pregnancy;
  • need to monitor urine, minerals, weight, BP.

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