Toxicity, effects of noxious substances

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Poisoning – intoxication[edit | edit source]

  • Interaction of the poison with the organism, effect on metabolic processes, damage to organ functions, morphological changes
  • Processing of the poison in the organism - toxicokinetics
  • Effects of poison on the organism - toxicodynamics
  • Poison metabolism - detoxification or bioactivation
  • Acute intoxication
    • neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, cardiotoxic, embryotoxic,...
  • Chronic intoxication: developmental damage, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, development of allergies, etc.
    • Chronic abuse of drugs, development of tolerance

Poisons and damage mechanism[edit | edit source]

  • Damaging the function of the target organ. Toxicity is a function of concentration at target organs, receptors.
  • Damaging cells causing cellular lesions
  • The degree of damage depends on reaching the concentration in the target organ (amanitins, mercury,...)
  • Combined mechanisms, e.g. prolonged cellular hypoxia (CO, HCN), formation of cytotoxic metabolites (methanol, glycol,...). Chronic exposure

Toxicity, effects, toxicodynamics[edit | edit source]

  • toxicity of the original form, chemical structure (QSAR studies)
  • method of administration, application, exposure (bioavailability)
  • exposure time, dose frequency
  • bioavailability
  • Individual susceptibility of the organism – genetic basis, physiological and external influences (age, diseases, diet, smoking, etc.)
  • Inter and intra-individual variability of metabolism, variability of enzyme capacity during biotransformation

Physiological factors[edit | edit source]

  • Sexual differences – hormonal influences, differences in enzyme capacity (biotransformation of ethanol), isoenzyme representation in women and men (e.g. P450)
  • Age differences, cell changes, cell development, development of enzyme activity in a specific way, increase and decrease (aromatic hydroxylation, N-demethylation, ability to form glucosiduronates....)
  • External influences, diet, lifestyle, diseases
  • Interaction of substances – induction and inhibition of enzymes
  • Chronic doses – cellular changes, receptor adaptation (alcoholism, addictive substances, development of tolerance)

Substance toxicity[edit | edit source]

  • Acute
  • Chronic

Information about the toxicity of substances:

  1. "case studies" - completeness and reliability of anamnestic data, filtering out interfering influences, e.g. mixed poisoning, unknown factors
  2. epidemiological studies - side effects of drugs and therapeutic effectiveness - statistical evaluation. Unknown influencing factors
  3. controlled experimental studies, clinical studies - strict ethical restrictions


  • clinical studies on human volunteers
  • Ethical considerations, microdoses, major limitations
  • Informed consent of the volunteer

Other substances - experimental studies on animals

Testing regulations:

  • Czech pharmacopoeia (drugs, medical supplies)
  • "OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals"
  • Guidelines determine which animals and in what quantity to use for a certain test; what dose and method of application
  • The goal is harmonization, generalization of study results
  • What animal? – as close to the human model as possible
  • Animal size - repeated sampling - study cost

Experimental toxicity studies[edit | edit source]

  1. short term
  2. long term
  • Effect versus dose
  • non-linear relationship
  • semi-logarithmic dependence
  • effect vs. log dose
  • toxicity vs. log dose
  • LD50 – median lethal dose

Therapeutic drug index[edit | edit source]

  • Effective dose ED
  • Toxic dose TD
  • T-INDEX = LD50 / ED50
  • higher value, high toxic dose
    • i.e. safer drug and less risk of poisoning
Classification of toxic substances according to LD50 size
Chemical substance LD50
Super toxic less than 5 mg/kg
Extremely toxic 5–50 mg/kg
Highly toxic 50–500 mg/kg
Moderately toxic 0.5-5 g/kg
Slightly toxic 5-15 g/kg
LD50 for humans when administered orally – e.g.:
Chemical substance LD50 (mg/kg)
Ethanol 7000
Sodium Chloride 3000
Morphine 900
Phenobarbital 150
Strychnine 2
Nicotine 1
Dioxin (TCDD) 0.01
Botulotoxin 0.00001

Short-term toxicity studies[edit | edit source]

  • Acute toxicity – LD50 – histological examination of organs
  • Subchronic toxicity, includes e.g. accumulation of poison, repeated doses lasting 10% of the life of the laboratory animal
  • Local effects on skin, eyes (soaps, ophthalmology) – rabbit, guinea pig, mouse – irritation tests
  • Teratogenicity, embryotoxicity – administration to females during pregnancy, histological examination of fetal soft tissues, skeletal examination
  • Reproductive toxicity, administration to the parent pair, monitoring of litter size, offspring size, after weaning, parent necropsy, histopathological examination of reproductive organs

Long-term toxicity studies[edit | edit source]

  • Carcinogenicity - repeated doses, 3 dosages, 18-24 months, haematological examination, necropsy and histopathological examination
  • Chemical structure of the substance vs. carcinogenicity
  • Different sensitivity of animals to chemical induction of tumors
  • Chronic toxicity – minimum period of 12 months
  • Both rodent and non-rodent (dog, primate)

Individual susceptibility to toxicity[edit | edit source]

Variability - mainly genetically determined (genotypes)

  • between animal species
  • within an animal species
  • physiological and temporal influences (sex, age, diseases,...)
  • variability of the metabolic capacity of enzymes
  • polymorphism of enzymes, alternative forms, isoenzymes
Alcohol Minimal i.v. lethal dose (g/kg)
Rabbit Cat
Methanol 15.9 4.7
Ethanol 9.4 3.9
Propanol 4.0 1.6
Isobutanol 2.6 0.72
Isoamyl alcohol 1.6 0.21

Cross-species susceptibility to dichlorophenoxyacetic acid toxicity[edit | edit source]

LD50 of the herbicide 2,4-D – p.o.
Animal species (mg/kg)
Mouse 360–710
Rat 900–1500
Guinea pig 400–800
Rabbit 420
Dog 100
Monkey 214

Interspecies variability in phenol conjugation metabolism[edit | edit source]

Excreted proportion (%) – glucuronide Excreted proportion (%) – sulfate
Cat 0 87
Man 23 71
Rat 25 68
Rabbit 46 45
Pig 100 0

Interspecies variability in benzoic acid conjugation metabolism[edit | edit source]

Animal species Dose p.o. (mg/kg) Urine elimination in 24 hours (%) Proportion of dose in urine in 24 hours
benzoic acid (%) hippuric acid (%) benzoyl glucuronide (%)
Mouse 56 55 95 5
Rat 50 100 1 99
Hamster 52 99 1 97
Rabbit 49 60 100
Pig 50 49 15 85
Cat 51 30 100
Dog 51 94 82 18
Chimpanzee 20 47 100
Human 1 100 100
Human 42 50 – 85

Člověk: amfetamin, 4-OH-amfetamin a konjugace, dále oxidativní deaminace až kys. hippurová

Králík: amfetamin, oxidativní deaminace; ale redukce fenylacetonu, výsledný alkohol je vylučován konjugovaný močí

Interspecies variability in methamphetamine metabolism[edit | edit source]

Amphetamine metabolism
Amphetamine metabolism

Human: amphetamine, 4-OH-amphetamine and conjugation, then oxidative deamination to hippuric acid

Rabbit: amphetamine, oxidative deamination; but reduction of phenylacetone, the resulting alcohol is excreted conjugated in urine

Genetic variability of toxicity[edit | edit source]

  • E.g. isoniazid (treatment for tuberculosis)
  • Genetic polymorphism of N-acetylation, the metabolite is more polar, excreted more quickly
  • Europeans: 40% of the population acetylates rapidly
  • Asians: 80% of the population acetylates rapidly
  • Eskimos: 96% of the population acetylates rapidly
  • The acetylation phenotype of an individual determines toxic manifestations:
    • neuropathy with slow acetylation
    • hepatotoxicity with rapid acetylation

Development of toxic manifestations[edit | edit source]

  • Sequence of processes, interaction with macromolecules, disruption of physiological processes – change in toxicity
  • Factors influencing toxic manifestations, dynamics:
  1. Chemical effects, substance structure:
  2. Genetic factors
  3. Physiological factors (sex, age, state of health)
  4. Toxicokinetic factors
  5. External factors, diet, environment, lifestyle

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Sources[edit | edit source]

  • BALÍKOVÁ, Marie. Toxicita, účinky nox [online]. [cit. 2012-03-13]. <>
  • PROKEŠ, Jaroslav. Základy toxikologie :  obecná toxikologie a ekotoxikologie. 1. vydání. Praha : Galén : Karolinum, c2005. ISBN 80-7262-30-1X