Transmissible diseases

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Aedes aegypti
Ixodes ricinus

Transmissible infections are vector-borne infections. The most common vector is arthropods that inoculate infectious agents into the human body. Vector transfer can be:

  • mechanical – the etiological agent is in the gut or on the body surface of the vector and does not multiply, most often it is transmitted by food, such as salmonella, shigella or enteroviruses;
  • biological – in this case the pathogen multiplies in the vector and is subsequently transmitted most often by the mechanism of inoculation, this type of transmission occurs, for example, in the case of malaria, yellow fever, or borreliosis

Human transmissible infections are characterized by:

  • disease vector (for example mosquito, tick, louse, fly);
  • pest reservation (for exapmle the animal species from which the vector obtains the infectious agent).
  • responsive object (especially human)
disease source disease vector parent responsive object
Malaria human female mosquito Anopheles maculipenis Plasmodium falciparum/vivax/ovale/malariae/knowlesi human
Yellow fever – city type human female mosquito Aedes aegypti yellow fever virus human
Yellow fever – jungle type monkey female mosquito Aedes africanus or Haemagogus yellow fever virus human
Dengue fever human/monkey Aedes mosquito Dengue virus human
Japanese encephalitis bird/pig Culex mosquito Japanese encephalitis human
Leishmaniosis canis/rodents/human Flebotomus mosquito Leishmania donovani/major/brasiliensis/mexicana human
Plague rat rat fleas Xenopsylla cheopsis Yersinia pestis human
Sleeping sickness human/animal Tse-Tse fly (Glossina palpalis) Trypanosoma rhodesiense/gambiense human
Typhus human Pediculus humanus louse locker room Rickettsia prowazeki human
Tick-borne meningoencephalitis pest reservation animal Tick Ixodes ricinus Tick-borne meningoencephalitis virus human
Lyme disease pest reservation animal Tick Ixodes ricinus Borrelia burgdorferi human

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Used literature[edit | edit source]

  • SCHEJBALOVÁ, Miriam. Proces šíření nákazy [lecture for subject hygiena a epidemiologie, specialization všeobecné lékařství, 1. LF UK]. Praha. 2011. 
  • Milan Tuček, Univerzita Karlova. . Hygiena a epidemiologie. - edition. 2012. pp. 358. ISBN 9788024620251.
  • GÖPFERTOVÁ, Dana – PAZDIORA, Petr. Epidemiologie infekčních nemocí : učebnice pro lékařské fakulty. 1. edition. 2003. ISBN 80-246-0452-3.