
From WikiLectures

A set of transversospinal muscles, collectively called the musculus transversospinalis', begins at the transverse processes and attaches upward to the spinal processes of the vertebrae.

This file has three sections:

  • Musculus semispinalis - longer, more superficial bundles,
  • Musculi multifidi - deeper bundles,
  • Musculi rotatores - deeper, short muscles.

Innervation: of the dorsal branch of spinal nerves.

Function: erecting, bending and rotating the spine.

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  • CIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomy. 2nd, edit. and add edition. Grada Publishing, 2001. 516 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.

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