Traumatic shock (pediatrics)

From WikiLectures

Traumatic shock is a combination distrubutional and hypovolemic shock, most often due to current blood loss.However, traumatic shock can also occur without the presence of hypovolemia. If there is no blood loss and the clinical picture is affected only by the release of tissue mediators (if we overlook the activation of the sympathoadrenal axis), it is classified as a distributional shock. However, traumatic shock can also be of cardiogenic or obstructive origin (tension pneumothorax, myocardial contusion).The circulatory situation can be characterized by hypotension with an increase in CO / CI. Systemic vascular resistance is low, oxygen transport is increased, and arteriovenous oxygen difference is smaller. Oxygen consumption is usually the same. In the treatment of hemorrhagic shock, colloids (hydroxyethyl starches and plasma) together with erymass are preferred over crystalloids.

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Bibiography[edit | edit source]

  • HAVRÁNEK, Jiří: Šok. (upraveno)

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