Triangular Space

From WikiLectures

English: Triangular space, Medial axillary space
Latin: Foramen omotricipitale

Triangular space

The triangular space (medial axillary space, lat. foramen omotricipitale) is bounded by the teres minor superiorly, the teres major inferiorly, and the long head of the triceps brachii laterally.

It contains the scapular circumflex vessels (axillary artery – subscapular artery – scapular circumflex artery).

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  • PETROVICKY, Pavel, et al. Anatomie s topografií a klinickými aplikacemi : Sv. 1, Pohybové ústrojí. 1. edition. Martin : Osveta, 2001. 463 pp. ISBN 80-8063-046-1.