Wertheim-Meigs Operation
From WikiLectures
English: panhysterectomy Latin: panhysterectomia |
Wertheim-Meigs operation is radical hysterectomy performed in patients with cervical cancer. This panhysterectomy includes resection of:
- uterus,
- parametrias,
- pelvic lymphatic nodes,
- vaginal cuff.
This operation is indicated in stages T1a2, T1b1, T1b2 and T2a.
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- FREITAG, Pavel. Onkogynekologie 1, karcinom hrdla děložního [lecture for subject Gynecology and Obstetrics, specialization General Medicine, 1. LF UK Charles University in Prague]. Prague. 2012-05-04. Avaliable from <https://el.lf1.cuni.cz/gpfreitag1a>.