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Timing of X-ray[edit | edit source]
- Diagnostic
- Coronal zone
- Periapical zone
- During the endodontic treatment
- Follow up radiographs
Diagnostic X-rays[edit | edit source]
- Coronal zone X-ray
- Preventive X-ray
- Bite wing technique
- Periapical X-ray
- Bisecting angle technique
- Paralleling technique
- Eccentric periapical X-ray
X-ray During Endodontic Treatment[edit | edit source]
- Preoperative periapical radiograph
- quality of the previous endodontic fillings
- fractured instruments
- perforations
- Working length radiograph
- for that purpose we use a K-file or a H-file
- Before definitive filling of the canals with the main gutta percha point at right working length
- we check the accuracy of the apical saddle
- After definitive filling of the canals
- We check whether we were successful or not
X-ray in Follow up[edit | edit source]
- Is done after 6 months, 12 months, 2 years and 4 years after the end of the treatment
- Success depends on whether the contours, width and structure of periodontal space are normal
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Bibliography[edit | edit source]
- OTT, Daniel. Xray endo [lecture for subject Endodontics, specialization Endodontics, LF1 Charles University]. Prague. December 2010.