Acute inflammations of larynx

From WikiLectures

This includes minor catarrhal laryngitis and stenosis - epiglottitis and subglottic laryngitis.

Bluetongue acute laryngitis[edit | edit source]

It is a common disease affecting all age groups, it usually occurs as part of HCD catarrh. It can occur as laryngotracheitis or laryngotracheobronchitis.

Most often it is a viral infection (with possible bacterial superinfection), the cause is due to colds, environmental influences, voice abuse.
Acute hoarseness, scratching in the throat, cough, cough (initially dry), general symptoms are usually absent.
Laryngoscopy – redness and leakage of the mucosa, especially on the vocal cords.
Symptomatic - voice calm, humidification, no smoking, fluids, vitamin C, antitussives, ATB with impending superinfection.

Acute epiglottitis[edit | edit source]

200px|thumb|Viditelná epiglottis u akutní epiglotitidy

  • Suffocating HCD inflammation, peracute laryngitis with extreme swelling of the epiglottis that closes the entrance to the larynx if suffocation is not provided quickly, there is a risk of suffocation.
  • It is rare, mostly affects children, but also adults.
Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Clinical picture
It begins with a sharp cutting sore throat and difficulty swallowing, stagnation of saliva and mucus. Then dyspnoea appears - at first usually while lying on the back.
The patient is pale, hypoxic, looking for a relief position - sitting, a slight forward bend, saliva flows out of his mouth, which cannot flow through the valecules along the epiglottis.
The child is usually apathetic.
Thery tend to be febrile and alterated in the general condition.
The epiglottis is usually visible even without a mirror when the tongue is pressed - it is red and swollen.
transport to the nearest ARO workplace.
Transport must be seated with a medical escort ready for emergency airway management.
i.v. corticoids, humidify the air.
The basic treatment are ATB (aminopenicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors, cephalosporins).

Acute subglottic laryngitis[edit | edit source]

  • A special form of laryngitis, swelling of the anatomically narrowest part of the larynx - subglotis.
  • It occurs many times more often than the previous one, the course is less dramatic. Seasonal highs are in spring and autumn.
  • Practically exclusively for children, most often up to five years.
Viruses (adenoviruses influenza, parainfluenza, myxoviruses), alergy can be a factor too.
Clinical picture
It starts suddenly without previous problems.(it can follow the HCD catarrh). At night, there is a sudden seizure of inspiratory dyspnea with inspiratory stridor, jugular twitching and cyanosis may be present. The cough has a barking, croaking character, the voice is rough and harsh, the child is restless, anxious, febrile, the general condition may be altered.
Snažíme se zahlédnout epiglotis, nitro hrtanu nevyšetřujeme (riziko laryngospazmu), jinak bychom pod hlasivkami pozorovali zarudlé, hladké návalky.
Hospitalization in the case of children. Corticosteroids i.m. (in more severe cases i.v.) - hydrocortisone 10 mg / kg. As a rule, corticoids cause rapid wheezing.
In addition to corticoids, we give sedatives, mucolytics (or antitussives and antihistamines).
ATB in severe cases of debilitated children at risk of superinfection.
Intubation or other securing is required only in exceptional cases.
Microclimate adjustment - humidification of inhaled air, calming of the child, adjustment of position, sufficient watering.

References[edit | edit source]

Source[edit | edit source]

Literature[edit | edit source]