Basic emergency resuscitation/SŠ (nurse)
From WikiLectures
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is indicated for loss of consciousness when normal breathing is not present.
Basic emergency resuscitation procedure[edit | edit source]
- Remember your own safety!
- Assess the situation, quality of consciousness (addressing, shaking); in case of polytraumathis bleeding condition.
- Call for help from the neighborhood, the person in question calls 155 immediately.
- Open the airway by tilting the head.
- Check for breathing (hear, see, feel), detect possible gasping, must not last more than 10 seconds
- Call EMS (155, 112).
- Is AED in range? If YES, use it.
- 30 chest compressions, frequency 100-120 per minute, depth 5-6 cm.
- 2 breaths – move the jaw forward, plug the nose (in the case of a feeling of the possibility of transmission of an infectious disease or inefficient breathing, we prefer compressions).
General[edit | edit source]
- Chest massage is preferred over artificial respiration when contagion is assumed during artificial respiration.
- We emphasize starting CPR as quickly as possible with as little interruption as possible and using an AED.
A – airway → patency of airways[edit | edit source]
- This step involves clearing the airway.
- Manual examination of the oral cavity.
- Head tilt.
When suffocating a conscious patient, we use the following procedure:
- Prompt to cough.
- 5× punch between the shoulder blades (Gordon punch).
- Heimlich palpation in adults.
- In case of loss of consciousness, we start CPR.
B – breathing → breathing[edit | edit source]
- Securing the airway should not delay cardiac massage.
- The volume we inhale into an adult is approx. 500 ml of air (7-9 ml/kg), we use our own normal breath.
C – circulation → circulation[edit | edit source]
- We kneel from the side next to the affected person, who is placed on a firm mat (ideally the ground).
- Place the joined hands on the center of the chest - between the breasts. The upper limbs must be bent at the elbows!
- We compress the chest approx. 5-6 cm deep.
- Frequency of compressions is 100-120 compressions per minute.
- Compression:relaxation = 1:1.
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- With an effective heart massage, we are able to ensure 30% of the minute cardiac output.
Stop CPR[edit | edit source]
- When breathing and pulse are restored.
- Based on the doctor's decision.
- Transfer of the affected person to the rescue service.
- Exhaustion of the savior's physical strength.
- Reason not to start:
- Certain signs of death.
- Real risk of endangering the rescuer.
- Terminal phase of the disease.
AED - Automated External Defibrillator[edit | edit source]
- Remember your own safety!
- Assess the situation, the quality of consciousness (addressing, shaking); in the case of polytrauma, the condition bleeding.
- Call for help from the neighborhood.
- Open the airway by tilting the head.
- Check breathing (hear, see, feel), it must not last more than 10 seconds.
- Call EMS (155, 112).
- Is the AED in range? If YES, use it.
- Turn on the defibrillator.
- Place the electrodes on the chest and let the device perform the analysis.
- If SHOCK RECOMMENDED sounds (the device analyzes EKG):
- Check if anyone is touching.
- Press the Shock button, followed by delivery of 1-3 shocks.
- 2 minutes of CPR 30:2 follows without circulation control.
- The device analyzes the time, after 2 minutes it proceeds to the next ECG analysis and possibly recommends another shock.
- The procedure continues to repeat until the ECG changes or emergency services arrive and proceed to ALS.
- If SHOCK NOT RECOMMENDED is heard, we continue CPR 30:2 for 2 minutes, then repeat the rhythm analysis; we keep repeating the cycle until the RZS arrives or until consciousness is restored.
- Possibility of a virtual trainer at

Procedure for basic emergency resuscitation in children[edit | edit source]
We distinguish children up to 1 year and from 1 year to puberty.
- Remember your own safety!
- Assess the situation, quality of consciousness (addressing, shaking); in case of polytraumathis bleeding condition.
- Call for help from the neighborhood.
- Open the airway by tilting the head.
- Check breathing (hear, see, feel), it must not last more than 10 seconds.
- Start CPR 5 breaths.
- CPR for 1 minute, 30:2, two rescuers or one experienced medical professional trained in children's CPR 15:2, newborns 3:1 compress the chest by 1/3 of the height (up to 5 cm).
- Call EMS (155, 112).
- Is AED in range? If YES, use it. The use of children's electrodes, if any, anteroposterior bonding of the electrodes, the keys to reducing the shock energy to 4 J/kg (50–75 J in children 1–8 years).
- 30 chest compressions, frequency 100 per minute. We perform compression with one hand or two fingers in the middle of the chest.
- 2 breaths, plug the nose (small children breathe through the nose and mouth at the same time).
- The most common cause of circulatory arrest in children is suffocation, so we take into account the number of breaths before compression.
- It is advantageous to use capnometry.
- After resumption of circulation, ventilation with 100% oxygen is not desirable, SaO2 must be maintained between 94-98%.
Summary of Resuscitation Differences[edit | edit source]
Compression ratio: breaths | Initiate CPR | |
Adults | 30:2 | 30 compressions |
Children from 1 year to the onset of puberty | 30:2 (note) | 5 breaths |
Newborns | 3:1 | 5 breaths |
Note: Two rescuers or one experienced paramedic trained in pediatric CPR use a ratio of 15:2 (for children from 1 year to puberty).
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References[edit | edit source]
- NOLAN, Jerry P. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010 Section 1. Executive summary. Resuscitation [online]. 2010, y. 81, vol. -, p. 1219–1276, Available from <>. ISSN 0300-9572.
- BYDŽOVSKÝ, Jan. Akutní stavy v kontextu. 1. edition. Triton, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7254-815-6.