Bilirubin - Questions and Casuistry
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1. Which type of bilirubin has a toxic effect on the basal ganglia?
- A — conjugated (direct) bilirubin
- B — unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin bound to albumin by van der Waals force
- C — bilirubin that is covalently bound to albumin
- D — free-of-bound bilirubin (does not bind to albumin)
2. Ligandin is a small protein enabling:
- A — conjugation of bilirubin and glucuronic acid, first creating bilirubin glucuronide and then diglucuronide
- B — transfer of bilirubin on the intracellular site into the smooth ER of a hepatocyte
- C — transfer of conjugated bilirubin through the "bile pole" to the primary bile capillaries
- D — a covalent bond between bilirubin molecule and albumin
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1. Jaundice in an adult patient
A 42-year old man with severe icterus, abdominal pain localized in the upper right abdominal area, pale, fever, and shivers.
Lab. test results:
- ALP = 8,4 μkat/l
- cholesterol = 7,9 mmol/l (5-nukleotidáza – zvýšená hodnota)
- AST = 0,64 μkat/l
- total bilirubin = 421 μmol/l
- prothrombin time: prolonged, physiological after intravenous application of vitamin K
- According to the clinical evidence given, what is probably the origin of jaundice (icterus) in the patient?
- Why is the prothrombin time prolonged?
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2. Patient with jaundice and nausea
A patient has been admitted for an unintentional significant weight loss in a short period of time, severe nausea, vomiting, and later on developed jaundice and hepatomegaly
Lab. test results:
- total bilirubin = 342 μmol/l
- conjugated bilirubin = 171 μmol/l
- ALP = 2,2 μkat/l
- AST = 12,4 μkat/l
- ALT = 11,2 μkat/l
- albumin = 22 g/l
- γ-globulin = 23,8 g/l (34 % of total proteins)
- According to the clinical evidence, what is probably the cause of his condition; are there any other examinations you would suggest for a better differential diagnosis?
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