
From WikiLectures

Implanted (internal) pacemaker on X-ray image
Implanted (internal) pacemaker on X-ray image

Cardiostimulation can maintain the heart rhythm in physiological values ​​in those cases where there is a violation of cardiac automaticity or transmission disorders.

  • External stimulation via flat electrodes glued to the skin. It is used in pre-hospital care, in the hospital only for short-term procedures
  • Internal stimulation via wire leads is inserted intravenously into the heart, using an implanted pacemaker under the skin of the chest. Today, only pacemakers are used, which turn on themselves when the heart rate slows down below the set value and turn off again when a faster heart rate is restored (pacemaker on demand).

For patients who have an implanted pacemaker, we must be careful, for example, when using electrocautery, pulse magnetotherapy is contraindicated.

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  • KYMPLOVÁ, Jaroslava. Katalog metod v biofyzice [online]. [cit. 2012-09-20]. <>.