Colorectal cancer/prognosis

From WikiLectures

The five-year survival of individuals with KR-CA varies according to the stage at which the disease is detected. [1]

Stage Five-year survival
St. 0 and 1 80-90%
St. 2 60-80%
St. 3 50-60%
St. 4 4-10%

In general, there is a much greater chance of five-year survival in individuals who are asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis (90%) compared to individuals who have had problems lasting three (40%) or seven (25%) months at the time of diagnosis .[1] Prevention and screening program are therefore important in this disease.

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  1. a b Czech Gastroenterological Society ČLS JEP. Colorectal cancer - diagnosis and treatment [online]. [cit. 2015-11-13]. <>.