Convulsions (pediatrics)

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Convulsions in children[edit | edit source]

Spasms in childhood are a manifestation of various diseases. Convulsions in children are among the acute conditions that need to be dealt with urgently. A spasm is a condition in which there is an excessive and prolonged contraction of various muscles. A cramp can affect one muscle or entire muscle groups. Spasms that last longer than 10 minutes are called prolonged spasms. Recurrent seizures are those that recur frequently.

Diseases related to convulsions[edit | edit source]
  • Spasms in diseases of the nervous system

These convulsions most often occur in connection with trauma, intracranial bleeding, congenital anomalies and epilepsy.

  • Infection spasms

Sepsis, tetanus, nervous system infection (inflammation of the meninges).

  • Metabolic cramps

Caused by a drop in blood sugar (diabetes, starvation) or a drop in magnesium and calcium.

  • Spasms during intoxication

They can be caused by drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid, alcohol or nicotine.

  • Febrile convulsions

They are formed at a temperature higher than 38 °C.

  • Psychogenic convulsions

Hysterical convulsions and affective convulsions belong to this group. Affective convulsions occur in children mainly during conflicts. They start with crying, then the child holds his breath, turns blue and convulses.

Causes of convulsions in children[edit | edit source]
Epilepsy (pediatrics)
Treatment[edit | edit source]

First of all, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen for the organism (release and secure the airways) and eliminate convulsive activity. The most commonly used anticonvulsant drug is diazepam in a dose of 2.5-5 mg ‹ 15kg ‹ 10 mg. It is only after the spasms have subsided that it is possible to treat the cause of their occurrence.

rectal suppository in children
2.5–5 mg per weight up to 10 kg
5 mg per weight of 10-15 kg
5–10 mg per weight of 15–30 kg
10 mg per weight > 30 kg

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. LISSAUER, – CLAYDEN,. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics. 3. edition. Elsevier, 2007. pp. 452. ISBN 978-07234-3398-9.