Coombs murmur

From WikiLectures


Coombs murmur is a moderately diastolic murmur caused by narrowing of the mitral orifice by thickened swollen mitral valve tips, murmur confirms mitral valvulitis [1].

We hear it in patients with acute rheumatic fever, preferably in the area of ​​the heart tip. Unlike the murmur in rheumatic mitral stenosis there is no (opening snap).

After healing, the cause of the murmur disappears.


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  1. RIEDEL, Martin. Revmatická horečka. Kardiologická revue [online]2003, vol. 3, p. 170, Available from <>. 


  • O'ROURKE, Robert A – WALSH, Richard A. Kardiologie : Hurstův manuál pro praxi. 1. edition. Praha : Grada, 2010. 800 pp. pp. 20. ISBN 978-80-247-3175-9.
  • Healio: Medical News, Journals, and Free CME. Learn the Heart : Carey Coombs murmur [online]. Healio, [cit. 2016-02-13]. <>.