Corticosteroid-dependent asthma
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Corticosteroid-dependent asthma is asthma in patients with severe asthma (DTTA) requiring systemic oral corticosteroids.
About 5% of asthma patients fall into the category of difficult-to-treat asthma (DTTA). They cannot achieve or keep asthma under control.
Deterioration due to irritation at reflux disease, as well as reduced compliance and adherence to treatment in severe psychiatric illness, can lead to DTTA.
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Sources[edit | edit source]
- SALAJKA, František. Asthma bronchiale : Doporučený diagnostický a léčebný postup pro všeobecné praktické lékaře [online] . 1. edition. Společnost všeobecného lékařství ČLS JEP, 2008. Available from <>. ISBN 978-80-86998-26-8.