Determination of beta-lipoproteins in blood serum
Laboratory diagnostics and determination[edit | edit source]
Fasting for 12-14 hours prior to collection. Ingestion of water or calorie-free liquids is permitted. The blood must be collected under standard conditions, in a sitting position.
- Electrophoretic (more precisely) — LDL is found in the electric field of β–globulins
- By protein (apoprotein) concentration (indicative)
β-lipoproteins are LDL lipoproteins: They form the nucleus (cholesterol esters, triglycerols) and the phospholipid and protein envelope: Apoprotein B-100
Principle[edit | edit source]
Heparin activates lipase to release lipoproteins from lipids. The released protein produces a clot with calcium, which we measure photometrically.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Test tubes, pipettes, cuvette, spectrophotometer
Chemicals[edit | edit source]
0,025 mol/l solution of CaCl2, 10 g/l heparin
Method[edit | edit source]
- Pipette into the tube: 0.1 ml of blood serum, 0.1 ml of heparin, 4 ml of CaCl2
- Wait 10 minutes.
- To be measured spectrophotometrically at λ = 650 nm in relation to distilled water (reference sample)
- Calculation: c = A. 9,25 (g/l) 9.25 correction factor
Physiological parameters: 3,5-5,5 g/l
β-lipoprotein disorders[edit | edit source]
↑ Elevated values: obesity, atherosclerosis, familial hyperbetalipoproteinaemia associated with insulin resistance (diabetes mellitus), hypothyroidism, fish eye disease, hypercholesterolaemia ↓ Decreased values: abetalipoproteinaemia, hypobetalipoproteinaemia, hunger, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy