Diseases of the Red Blood Cell

From WikiLectures

Diseases of Red Blood Components include:

  1. Anemia – Disease states characterized by decreased hemoglobin, usually Hematocrit and erythrocyte counts below the lower limit of age and sex.
  2. Polyglobulia – a condition in which red blood cells are multiplied so that their number exceeds the upper limit for a given age; hemoglobin and hematocrit increase.
Normal Values of Red blood count[1]
Age Hemoglobin (g/l) Hematocrit (%) Erythrocyte (1012/l) Reticulocyte (‰) MCV (μm3) Note
1 day 140–240 58–62 4,5–6,5 15–65 106±7 Polyglobulia
1 Month 110–170 30–37 3,9–5,3 3–13 100±6
3 Months 100–130 30–37 3,2–4,3 10–35 88±6 Anemia of a three-month period
1 Year 110–150 33–40 4,2–5,5 3–13 73±8
13–17 Year old Men 130–160 39–47 4,8–5,7 1–13 78±8
13–17 Year old Female 110–160 36–44 4,3–5,5 1–15 78±8

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  1. MUNTAU, Ania Carolina. Pediatrics. 4. edition. Praha : Grada, 2009. ISBN 978-80-247-2525-3.