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Erysipelas is an acute localized inflammation of the skin with an alteration of the general condition, which is typically caused by beta hemolytic streptococci of group A (Streptococcus pyogenes), less often groups C, G and B (Streptococcus agalactiae), staphylococcus aureus or G-bacteria can sometimes be detected in culture. Erysipelas most often occurs on the feet and face. The gateway to the infection is a broken skin barrier (maceration, leg ulcers, ragads, erosion). It is transmitted from a sick person or endogenously from the nasopharynx to the injured skin, in newborns to the umbilical cord. The incubation period is short, usually 1-3 days. The disease is prone to recurrences, recurrences are usually caused by endogenous reactivation of bacteria. Acute glomerulonephritis may develop after erysipelas after a latency period (1-4 weeks). In the Czech Republic, erysipelas reporting is mandatory.

Clinical manifestations[edit | edit source]

Rapid development of general symptoms:

Local symptoms:

  • after a few hours, inflammatory to phlegmonous changes (redness, burning, itching, tenderness to pain, swelling) occur at the site of infection, the deposit has an irregular shape;

Species[edit | edit source]

  • Erysipelas bullosum – vesicles and bullae form in the deposit
  • Erysipelas migrans – the primary deposit heals, but new deposits appear in the area
  • Erysipelas haemorrhagicum – bleeding into blisters
  • Erysipelas gangrenosum – skin necrosis
  • Erysipelas phlegmonosum – deep propagation (possible development of cellulitis or necrotizing fasciitis)
  • Erysipelas recidivans – recurrent infections

Diagnostics[edit | edit source]

  • clinical manifestations;
  • cultivation from erysipelas lesion, aspiration from lesion, biopsy – low capture
  • ASLO titer (antistreptolysin O) - skin infections are very rarely accompanied by increased ASLO titer, because streptolysin O is inactivated by lipids contained in the skin during local infection;
  • the anti-deoxyribonuclease B antibody titer may be increased.

Therapy[edit | edit source]

  • crystalline penicillin i.v., after improvement procaine penicillin i.m.
  • symptomatic treatment
  • bed rest
  • cardiovascular function should be monitored in the elderly

Complications[edit | edit source]

Complications include:

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. BENEŠ, Jiří, et al. Infekční lékařství. 1. vydání. Galén, 2009. 651 s. s. 204, 205, 494. ISBN 978-80-7262-644-1.
  2. ↑ Státní zdravotní ústav. Vybrané infekční nemoci v ČR v letech 2005-2014 - relativně [online]. ©2014. [cit. 2015-12-02]. <>.
  3. ↑ MUDr. Petr Herle, MUDr. Jiří Appelt,odborná společnost všeobecného lékařství,<>
  4. ↑ Rozsypal, Hanuš. . Základy infekčního lékařství. - vydání. Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2015. 572 s. s. 293–293. ISBN 8024629321.
  5. ↑ Skočit nahoru k:a b
  6. ↑ DRLÍK, L a H ŠKODOVÁ. Erysipel se závěžnými interními komplikacemi. Dermatologie pro praxi [online]. 2008, roč. 2, vol. 3, s. 154-155, dostupné také z <>. 

Použitá literatura[edit | edit source]

  • HAVLÍK, Jiří, et al. Infektologie. 2. vydání. Praha : Avicenum, 1990. 393 s. ISBN 80-201-0062-8.