Examination of nutritional status (pathobiochemistry)
Calculations[edit | edit source]
- Quetelet index = BMI (body mass index) = weight in kg / (height in m) 2
- Calculation according to Harris and Benedict equations - energy expenditure at rest (REE) in kcal / day
- for women = 655 + 9.6 × (weight in kg) + 1.7 × (height in cm) - 4.7 × (age in years)
- for men = 66 + 13.7 × (weight in kg) + 5.0 × (height in cm) - 6.8 × (age in years)
- factors influencing resting energy expenditure:
- Stress factors:
- fasting: 0.85
- surgery: 1.0–1.2
- sepsis: 1.4–1.8
- Fever: 1.0 + 0.13 per degree Celsius
- peritonitis: 1.2–1.5
- cancer: 1.1 - 1.45
- Physical Activity Factors:
- patient all day in bed - 1.15
- patient lying on the toilet - 1.20
- patient walking around the room - 1.25
- patient walking after ward - 1.30
- Stress factors:
- Calculation of total energy expenditure = REE × stress × activity
Tělesná hmotnost (v kg) | Výdej (potřeba energie) v kcal/kg/den |
Do 10 | 100 kcal/kg |
10–20 | 1000 kcal + 50 kcal/na každý 1 kg nad 10 kg hmotnosti |
Více než 20 | 1500 kcal + 20 kcal/na každý 1 kg nad 20 kg hmotnosti |
Energy expenditure (need) in children varies according to age and certain conditions. The average energy expenditure of a 6-12 year old child is 50% basal metabolic, 12% growth needs, 25% physical activity, 13% various losses (eg unabsorbed fat). The so-called The thermal effect of food is caused mainly by ingested proteins (30% above basal output), while fat and carbohydrates 4%. The energy supply best corresponds to the size of the body surface. However, it is possible to count about 80-120 kcal / kg of weight for the first year of life and then reduce it by 10 kcal / kg every 3 years. The period of rapid growth and development around puberty requires a proportionally higher income. Each 1 g of proteins or carbohydrates received yields 4 kcal, 1 g of short-chain fatty acids 5.3 kcal, medium-chain 8.3 and long-chain fatty acids 9 kcal.
Calculator[edit | edit source]
MediaWiki:Lékařská kalkulačka/Nutrice
Nutrition tests[edit | edit source]
Anthropometric tests[edit | edit source]
- weight loss - refers to total body weight
- measurement of skin lashes over:
- triceps
- shovel
- pelvic christ - refers to the evaluation of total fat
- measurement of the circumference around the middle part of the arm - refers to body weight without fat
Laboratory tests[edit | edit source]
- Biochemical
- albumin (does not fall below 35 g / l)
- prealbumin (does not fall below 0.10 g / l)
- transferrin (should not be below 1.7 g / l)
- IGF binding protein 3
- fibronectin
- S-Fe, Cu, Zn
- S-urea, dU-urea
- glucose
- Hematological
- hemoglobin, hematocrit, number erythrocyte, number leukocyte, number lymphocyte, number platelet
- Immunological
- humoral immunity (IgG, IgA, IgM)
- cellular immunity (delayed hypersensitivity skin tests)
Calorimetry[edit | edit source]
The most objective determination of energy expenditure is examination using indirect calorimetry. However, this is not a commonly used technique. Far more is the estimate of energy expenditure by calculation based on empirical equations (see above). The device enables non-invasive monitoring of respiratory gas exchange with continuous expression of the value of oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced in time intervals of 1 minute.
Nitrogen balance[edit | edit source]
There is a dynamic balance between the production (anabolism) and degradation (catabolism) of tissue proteins. In healthy individuals on a balanced diet, nitrogen intake and output are in balance. Under pathological situations leading to damage to the body, after surgical procedures or during prolonged stress, a metabolic response occurs in which catabolism predominates over anabolism. A negative nitrogen balance is created. The simplest approximate calculation is obtained by comparing the N-supply contained in proteins with the N-content of urea excreted in 24 hours in the urine (dU-urea):
- N-equilibrium (in g) = (protein supply / 6,25) - (dU-urea in g) + 2,5
- Protein balance = protein intake - protein loss (= (dU-urea in g + 4) x 6.25)
Note: The body is not able to store proteins in stock, as is the case with glycogen for carbohydrates or triacylglycerols for fats. There is only a so-called amino acid pool, which is about 70-80 g in an adult, which is depleted in a few hours during starvation.
The recommended minimum intake protein per day for a 70 kg individual is 1 g / kg body weight, which corresponds to 11 g N per 24 h.
Surgery | N losses in 24 h (in g) | Body protein losses (in g / 24 h) |
Abdominal surgery | 10–18 | 62,5–112,5 |
Gastric resection | 15–20 | 93,75–125,0 |
Cholecystectomy | do 15 | do 93,75 |
Lung resection | do 22 | do 137,5 |
Abdominal hysterectomy | 6–15 | 37,5–93,75 |
Total exenteration | až 32 | až 200 |
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Template:Patobiochemie metabolických drah (Masopust)