Fractures of the kneecap
From WikiLectures
The patella (lat. patella) is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body. Fractures of the patella are intra-articular fractures as they involve the femoropatellar joint.
The mechanism of formation[edit | edit source]
Fractures of the patella are usually caused by a fall on a bent knee and are usually direct fractures. The patella is part of the extensor apparatus of the knee. The main extensor muscle of the knee is the quadriceps (lat. m. quadriceps femoris), which starts at the pelvis and the upper end of the femur and attaches to the tibial tuberosity (tuberositas tibiae).
Division of fractures according to dislocation[edit | edit source]
- Non-dislocated
- dislocated (by pulling the tendon of the m. rectus femoris)
Division of fractures by fracture line[edit | edit source]
- non-dislocated
- transverse
- fractures of the apex
- splinter
- vertical
- Osteochondral