Impaired glucose tolerance

From WikiLectures

Impaired glucose tolerance (or prediabetes) is a condition in which the body does not respond adequately to glucose load. It shall be investigated by means of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The blood glucose value is greater than or equal to two hours after 75 g of glucose 7,8 mmol/l and less than 11,1 mmol/l.[1]

Impaired glucose tolerance can also be determined with fasting glucose testing, if the glycaemia is >= 5,6 mmol/l a < 7,0 mmol/l. [1]

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  1. Jump up to: a b Česká společnost klinické biochemie ČLS JEP a Česká diabetologická společnost ČLS JEP. Laboratorní diagnostika a sledování stavu diabetu mellitu [online]. ©2003. [cit. 2010-04-21]. <>.