Infectious scleroma

From WikiLectures

Photogravure of rhinoscleroma

Infectious scleroma ( rhinoscleroma ) is a granulomatous inflammation caused by Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis . It is purely local (most often the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - hence the alternative name "rhinoscleroma"), there is never generalization or involvement of regional nodes. Mikulicz's cells are a specific element.

The only manifestation is surface nodular infiltrates , which most often develop in the nasal mucosa. The infiltrates have a noticeably stiff consistency and narrow to the point of clogging the nasal cavity. Infiltrates are scarred and can lead to deformation of the external nose.

Microscopically, granulation tissue with capillaries and an inflammatory infiltrate of plasma cells and a small amount of neutrophils is formed in the mucosa, Mikulicz's cells are present next to them - modified histiocytes ; large, oval cells with an eccentrically located nucleus, the cytoplasm of which is filled with vacuoles, and sometimes only thin threads connecting the nucleus with the cell membrane remain.

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