Insufficient experience of sexuality

From WikiLectures


  • MKN–10: Nedostatečné prožívání sexuální slast Template:MKN

It is a fairly common dysfunction. It occurs in women of all ages. It can have a personalityprimary dysfunction, or dysfunction secondary (and selective). Often very simplistic descriptions of this dysfunction are limited to the peripheral component of sexual arousal. That is, to the lack of vaginal lubrication, which makes it difficult coitus.

Therapy consists primarily of psychotherapy and in an effort to eliminate all disturbing factors. The biggest problem of selective frigidity is the openly or covertly conflictual relationship with the partner (to the husband). Among the other influences, it is important to recognize the larval one depression and neurotic symptoms. In various psychopathological conditions, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the effect of the underlying disease from the effect of psychotropic drugs.

It is possible to try to influence sexual excitement with medication dopamine ergic preparations, yohimbine, or some antidepressants. Targeted psychotherapy it consists in leading to a conflict-free experience of sexuality as a positive partner value.

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Autor: doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (přednosta Sexuologického ústavu 1. LF a VFN)

Kategorie:Vložené články Kategorie:Sexuologie