Liver (SFLT)
Liver - clear magnification (HE)[edit | edit source]
Liver - morphological, functional and circulatory unit (silvering)[edit | edit source]
Description: 1 - vena centralis, 2 - portobiliary space with triad (arteria, vena et ductus bilifer interlobularis)
white - lobulus venae centralis (basic morphological unit, hexagon, in the center is v.centralis)
orange - lobulus portalis (basic circulatory unit, triangle, vertices in 3 vv. centrales, portobiliary space in the middle)
pink - acinus hepaticus (basic functional unit, quadrilateral, 2 vertices in vv. centrales and 2 in portobiliary spaces, pink dashed line shows course of a. et v. circumlobularis).
Liver - detailed liver lobule (lobulus venae centralis) - HE[edit | edit source]
Description: 1 - beams of hepatocyte, 2 - vena centralis, 3 - liver sinusoids filled with erythrocytes.
Liver - glycogen evidence (PAS reaction)[edit | edit source]
Description: Glycogen granules in hepatocytes, colored purple.
1 - vena centralis, 2 - portal triad.
Liver - glycogen evidence (PAS reaction)[edit | edit source]
Description: Glycogen granules in hepatocytes, colored purple.
Liver - evidence of reticular fibers (silvering)[edit | edit source]
Description: 1 - liver lobule (lobulus venae centralis), 2 - vena centralis of liver lobule, 3 -portobiliary space with Glisson's triad (vena interlobularis, arteria interlobularis and ductus bilifer interlobularis).
Liver - evidence of reticular fibers (silvering), detailed liver lobule (lobulus venae centralis)[edit | edit source]
Description: 1 - vena centralis of liver lobe, 2 - portobiliary space with Glisson's triad (vena interlobularis, arteria interlobularis, ductus bilifer interlobularis).
Liver - glycogen evidence (PAS) and detailed portal triad[edit | edit source]
Description: Portal triad: 1 - vena interlobularis, 2 - ductus bilifer interlobularis, 3 - arteria interlobularis.