Mesylan dihydroergotoxinia

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Mesylan dihydroergotoxinia (Dihydroergotoxini mesilas) is an ergot alkaloid, sympatholytics a vasodilator. We can also classify it as an alpha-adrenoreceptor blocker. It is found, for example, in Secatoxin Forte.

This alkaloid is a dopamine agonist and serotonin antagonist. It has no oxytocin effects on the uterus.

Use dihydroergotoxine mesylate in the past[edit | edit source]

Dihydroergotoxin mesylate is also a substance with a pleiotropic effect. As a result, it has been widely used in the past to treat a wide variety of diseases, including mild psychoorganic syndrome , peripheral vascular disease and organic disease.

Psychoorganic syndrome lighter grades of age[edit | edit source]

This syndrome is manifested by confusion, transient disorientation, antisocial behavior, mental depression, and loss of self-control.

Peripheral vascular diseases[edit | edit source]

Peripheral vascular diseases include functional disorders of peripheral blood flow (Raynaud's syndrome), acrocyanosis, erythrocyanosis, rostbite, perniones, peripheral vascular spasm of the neurogenic type (eg in hemiparas, discopathy) and Sudeck's syndrome.

Organic disease[edit | edit source]

Organic diseases include thromboangiitis obliterans ( Bürger disease ), arteriosclerosis obliterans and diabetic angiopathy. Arterial spasms occur in diseases of the venous origin, such as thrombosis and thrombophlebitis or varicose syndrome.

Use dihydroergotoxine mesylate[edit | edit source]

Dihydroergotoxini mesilas has been used, for example, for cerebral circulatory disorders. Brain circulatory disorders can be divided into functional a organic. Functional include migraine and other vasomotor headaches in hypertensive patients. The organic class includes cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis with manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency, both acute and chronic (unless it is associated with ischemic heart disease).

It was also used to treat hypertension, in the initial stage, when there was a reduction in increased sympathetic tone and alleviation of sympathomimetic problems (mainly headaches and dizziness). In later stages, it was used to improve cerebral circulation. Mesylan dihydroergotoxinii has also been used for eye diseases (some retinal and choroidal disorders, retrobulbar neuritis), ENT diseases (Meniere's syndrome, tinnitus, dry and atrophic airway inflammation), neurological diseases (vegetative syndrome in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, migraine in hypertension, migraine prophylaxis). Other uses were, for example, obstetric and gynecological indications (uncoordinated labor, delivery in drug analgesia, bladder emptying disorders after childbirth and after gynecological operations) or surgical indications (prevention of thromboembolic complications).

In 2013, SÚKL (State Institute for Drug Control) issued restrictions on the use of ergot alkaloids due to serious side effects (possibility of fibrosis and ergotism). This product is officially recommended in a single indication, exclusively for the treatment of acute migraine.

References[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

ŠVIHOVEC, DRSC., Prof. MUDr. Jan. Vademecum českých a slovenských farmaceutických přípravků 1992. 1. edition. 1992. ISBN 80-85582-01-5.

Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv. Námelové alkaloidy - omezení použití [online]. [cit. 2019-01-27]. <>.