
From WikiLectures

Sequence of nucleotides, or a series of consecutive genes in a bacterial chromosome that share a common promoter are regulated by a common operator and expressed at the same time. These genes encode mostly Enzymes involved in one metabolic pathway.

Lac operon

Types of operons[edit | edit source]

  • catabolic (inductive type): the presence of a substance that determines its activity has an inductive effect (triggers transcription), e.g. Lac operon
  • anabolic (repressive type): the presence of a substance determining its activity inhibits transcription, e.g. an operon for the synthesis of amino acids (histidine)

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Použitá literatura[edit | edit source]

  • OTOVÁ, Berta. Lékařská biologie a genetika : 1. díl. - vydání. Karolinum, 2008. ISBN 978-80-246-1594-3.