Oral streptococci

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Template:Infobox - bakterie Oral or viridizing streptococci form a substantial part of the normal flora of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. As the name suggests, we include streptococci in this group, which cause viridation (α-hemolysis) on the blood agar. Some γ-hemolytic species are also included. Streptococcus pneumoniae, which causes α-hemolysis, is discussed separately in the textbooks due to its importance in medicine.

Oral streptococci include: Streptococcus mutans, S. salivarius, S. milleri, S. sanguinis a S. mitis.

Diagnostic procedure[edit | edit source]

  • Material: sputum, blood, stool.
  • Identification:
    • microscopy: G+ cocci;
    • cultivation: BA (colony with α-hemolysis);
    • tests: negative optochin test, negative bile solubility test.

Disease[edit | edit source]

Oral streptococci are part of the normal flora of the oral cavity, upper respiratory tract, and digestive tract. They are among the conditioned pathogens. JTheir infection is preceded by another disease or infection. They can spread from the oral cavity to the body and cause bacteremia, meningitis, abscesses, pneumonia and (in contact with the endocardium) endocarditis. S. mutans affects the development of tooth decay.

Therapy[edit | edit source]

In the treatment of endocarditis, we administer high doses of antibiotics (eg. ampicilin).

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References[edit | edit source]

  • BEDNÁŘ, Marek, Andrej SOUČEK and Věra FRAŇKOVÁ, et al. Medical microbiology: Bacteriology, virology, parasitology. 1st edition. Prague: Marvil, 1996. 558 pp.  ISBN 8023802976 .

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