Pelvic irregularities
From WikiLectures
Bone irregularities[edit | edit source]
We describe a narrowed pelvis as a pelvis that has at least one of the pelvic dimensions smaller. This situation is quite rare, it occurs in 1 - 2% of births.
The causes can be, for example, post-traumatic, the small figure of a woman, the consequences of rickets, etc.
The doctor decides on the birth itself depending on various factors, e.g.:
- fetus size
- low female height (below 160 cm)
- gynecological history (ongoing pathology during previous births, etc.)
- pelvic trauma
- orthopedic diseases
Diagnosis of pelvic irregularity[edit | edit source]
- ultrasound
- pelvimetry
- comparison of symphysis-promontorium distance and bilateral head diameter (at least 2 cm difference)
Soft tissue irregularities[edit | edit source]
These are often developmental defects, old age of the mother, anatomical changes due to cancer, etc.
Types of soft tissue irregularities:
- rigidity of the cervix
- vaginal irregularities (hypoplasia, septa, stenoses)
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