Physiotherapy in patients with lumbago

From WikiLectures

Physiotherapy approaches differ according to the acute, subacute and chronic course of the disease stage.

Acute course[edit | edit source]

In the acute stage, it aims to relieve pain. The physiotherapist works with the doctor and other members of the treatment team. Serious symptoms that can mask aggressive pain must not be overlooked. If the patient has no relief position, it is advisable to start pharmacotherapy. Other possible procedures are: reflexology, acupuncture and targeted physical therapy. In most cases is necessary immobilization (with corrective-antalgic positioning).

Subacute and chronic course[edit | edit source]

In the subacute and chronic stage, which occurs without serious neurological symptoms, the physiotherapist first assesses the ergonomic load, which is tied to the patient's way of life and then suggests appropriate adjustments. Next, he performs a kinesiological analysis and determines targeted kinesiotherapy. This is mostly aimed at stabilizing the affected segments and possibly releasing their blocked momentum. Pharmacotherapy and physical therapy have a complementary role at this stage.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • NOVÁKOVÁ, Eva a Růžena HLAVIČKOVÁ.Pacient s bolestmi dolní části zad [online]. 2015, 2015 [cit. 2018-04-16]. Dostupné z: soubory/4-1-7-rtf-0cca9.pdf?redir