Recidive bronchitis

From WikiLectures

  • Definition: cough lasting longer than 3 weeks and occurring 3 times in the last 12 months,
  • it should be considered as a manifestation of another underlying disease (it is actually a differential diagnosis of protracted cough),
  • some children with recidive (recurrent) bronchitis later develop asthma or COPD,
  • etiology – in most cases these conditions follow after acute respiratory infections,
  • diagnosis – it is necessary to look for individual causes,
    • because one of the most common causes is asthma – we routinely perform bronchoprovocation tests (reveal bronchial reactivity after inhalation of histamine, acetylcholine or after a five-minute run),
    • it is also good to perform rhinomanometry – it cures a disorder of nasal patency as a cause.

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