Renal medulla

From WikiLectures

kidney section

Anatomy[edit | edit source]

The medulla of the kidney is darker, striated and sometimes reaches the hilum. It is stored under the outer layer of the bark.

  • pars radiata corticis - narrow strips of marrow extending deep into the cortex
  • is arranged in pyramidal (triangular in cross section) formations – pyramides renales, the base of each pyramid is turned towards the surface of the kidney and the top of the pyramid - papilla renalis is turned towards the hilum and penetrated by openings (area cribrosa) - foramina papillaria, which represent the mouths of drainage ducts - ductus papillares

The boundary between the bark and the pith is not straight.

Histological image[edit | edit source]

  • Loop of Henle
    • thin arm – single-layer flat epithelium, very thin wall, small lumen
    • thick shoulder – single-layer cubic epithelium, round, oval, regular lumen
  • collecting ducts - single-layer cubic epithelium, but the lumen is not so regular, there are visible boundaries between individual cells
  • other visible structures of the marrow: capillaries, arteries, veins, unmyelinated vegetative nerves,...

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomy 1. 2. edition. Grada Publishing, a.s., 2008. 516 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.