Skeletal/cranial development and axial skeleton

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The skeletal system is made up of:

  • paraaxial mesoderm - from the sclerotome → mesenchyme (at the end of the 4th week) - mesenchyme cells capable of migration → fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts,
  • mesoderm of the lateral plate - skeleton of the limbs,
  • neural crest cells - part of the skull skeleton.


  • desmogenous - bone tissue are created directly from mesenchyme,
  • chondrogenic – a cartilaginous model of bone is created first.

Skull[edit | edit source]

Neurocranium[edit | edit source]

It surrounds the brain and sense organs,

  • division according to the method of ossification:
    • desmocranium,
      • neural crest cells + paraaxial mesoderm → mesenchyme surrounds the brain → spicules (islets of bone tissue) form in the mesenchyme → spicules expand radially,
    • chondrocranium,
      • each bone consists of several cartilaginous foundations → fusion → individual bones,
      • connections between bones → growth centers of the skull base,
      • prechordal chondrocranium = bones that are derivatives of the neural crest (in front of the sella turcica),
        • os ethmoidale, ala minor ossis sphenoidalis, ala major ossis sphenoidalis,
      • chordal chondrocranium = bones originating from occipital sclerotomes,
        • corpus ossis sphenoidalis, bassis ossis occipitalis, os petrosum.

Splanchnocranium[edit | edit source]

The facial part of the skull,

  • from gill arches:
    • 1st gill arch:
      • maxillary valva → premaxilla, maxilla, os zygomaticum, os palatinum, incus,
      • mandibular valance → Meckel's cartilage (the mandible desmogenously ossifies around it), malleus, lig. sphenomandibular,
    • 2nd gill arch → stapes, proc. styloid, lig. stylohyoideum, part of os hyoideum,
    • 3rd gill arch → rest of lingual.

Newborn skull[edit | edit source]

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Newborn skull.
  • Bones separated by fibrous bands → they form sutures,
  • at the point of contact of several bones there are fibrous membranes = fontanelles,
    • the largest is the fonticulus anterior,
    • these fibrous structures allow the skull to change shape during birth.

Vertebrae[edit | edit source]

  • 4th week – sclerotome cells travel to the periphery of the spinal cord and chordae → connection with the bilateral sclerotome,
  • resegmentation – the caudal half of the sclerotome of each somite joins the cranial half of the next somite,
  • myotomes do not divide → muscles begin and attach to adjacent vertebrae → movement of the spine is enabled,
  • the chorda dorsalis forms the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral discs.

Ribs and Sternum[edit | edit source]

  • Ribs – arising by lengthening the processus costales of the thoracic vertebrae → originate from sclerotomes,
  • sternum – from the mesenchyme of the somatopleura, from a paired cartilaginous model.