Syndrome 47, XXY

From WikiLectures

Karyotype of 47,XYY syndrome

The 47,XYY syndrome is caused by the presence of two or more Y chromosomes in the karyotype , most often directly by the 47,XYY karyotype . It is therefore a gonosomal numerical aberration . Previously, this syndrome was referred to as "Supermale" - a term that is no longer used today. The syndrome has a minimum of clinical symptoms, men may have a taller stature and mild psychosocial disorders (most often learning disabilities). The results of older studies that linked this syndrome to aggressiveness and criminal behavior were not confirmed.[1].

ICD-10 classification[edit | edit source]

47,XYY syndrome according to ICD-10: Q98.5

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Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. THOMPSON, James Scott – THOMPSON, Margaret Wilson – NUSSBAUM, Robert L, et al. Klinická genetika: Thompson & Thompson. 6. edition. Praha : Triton, 2004. 426 pp. ISBN 80-7254-475-6.
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