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They are RNA viruses, belonging to the genus Aphtovirus and contain 33 different serotypes.
Diseases[edit source]
- most infections are inapparent (without clinical manifestations).
- about 5 % of infections have clinical symptoms: febrile illness, myalgia, exanthema, meningitis, encephalitis, respiratory and digestive system diseases, pericarditis, hepatitis, pancreatitis,...
Most of the diseases are severe.
Patogeneze[edit source]
- gate for entry: mainly through food, rarely through respiratory system
- multiplication in cells
- spread by hematogenous route
- clinical consequences depend on the site virus attachment and the individual's susceptibility.
- virus je intenzivně vylučován z napadnuté sliznice.
Diagnosis[edit source]
- incubation from nasopharyngeal swabs, from stool or from cerebrospinal fluid on cell cultures from monkey kidneys or mice.
- serological diagnosis by neutralization test.
Epidemiology[edit source]
The source of the virus is an infected human, who is infectious at the end of the incubation period (3 to 7 days). The disease occurs mainly in summer and early autumn.
Links[edit source]
References[edit source]
Categorie:Infectious diseases