Temporal lobe syndrome
From WikiLectures
Temporal lobe syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:
Symptoms [1][edit | edit source]
- Psychological disorders – an organic psychosyndrome, that can even resemble a prefrontal syndrome
- Behavioural disorders – sometimes even psychotic features or aggressiveness, dream-like feelings, depersonalization
- Perception disorders - (different from prefrontal syndrome) – pseudo-hallucinations, the illusion that the patient has already seen, heard or experienced the given thing, or on the contrary does not recognize familiar persons or things
- Wernicke's or amnestic aphasia in a lesion of the dominant hemisphere
- disorder of spatial orientation with a lesion of the non-dominant hemisphere, neglect syndrome
- Cortical deafness in bilateral lesions
- they can also be:
- dizziness
- contralateral homonymous hemianopsia in a white matter lesion with radiatio optica violation
- partial complex epileptic seizure
- unciform crisis – bouts of olfactory parosmia, mostly unpleasant olfactory sensations (cacosmia). These are pseudo-hallucinations (the patient is aware of the pathology of perception, has insight).
- dreamy states[2]
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Related Articles[edit | edit source]
- Prefrontal syndrome
- Frontal lobe syndrome
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- Functional cortical areas